Over and over I run through this in my mind, and still I come to the same conclusion. The green movement should be embraced by all who consider themselves conservatives. Think about it. Conservative. Conservation. Say those words a few dozen times and you'll notice that there is at least some small similarity, like maybe somehow they might share a uh..whats that thing called...Oh yeah, a root word! Now I'm not sure about you, but I usually take that to mean the two words are SIMILAR!! Lets go a bit deeper.
Lets start with the energy issues involved. We as Americans currently import roughly a shit-ton (I think it's Metric) of oil annually to power our lives. Of that shit-ton, a whole ass-load of this oil is used to help produce electricity to power our buildings (Buildings account for a large majority of the American energy use). Now, lets just pretend for a moment that every building in the country provided 1/10th of it's power from solar panels on their roofs. If my math is correct, that would add up to a grip of oil that we as Americans wouldn't have to buy from some other country. The other effects of this would be: Job creation from installation and servicing of the solar panels, More cash in each Americans pocket, some security from price fluctuations, and lastly a dramatic increase is self sufficiency. All of these effects stand right in line with conservative values.
Next, lets discuss environmental protections. Often,environmental regulations are considered costly and non-business friendly. While for many companies this is true, there is an entire industries based around building and operating equipment that helps other businesses operate in a cleaner fashion. Imagine the economic impact of shutting these guys down. In the coming years, environmental stewardship will foster large quantities of well paying jobs that will be difficult to outsource. This form of economic stimulation is real, and could help keep our country running for a long time.
Finally, lets discuss the food that we eat. Fresh food is healthier. Period. By growing food locally and organically, we as individual communities empower ourselves with the ability to choose what goes into our food. We create a stronger local economy, and we reduce the amount of fuel needed to ship produce (I read that on average, you're food travels 1500-2000 miles to get to you). This independence is both economic and social, creating a stronger, more capable citizenry. Who could argue that that is not a conservative value?
Conserve. Conservative. Hmmmmm....
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
The dream
Hearing a strange noise, I turn and walk down a hallway, followed by others I cannot identify. Coming to a door that rests slightly ajar, I push the door open slowly. In shock I stand stock still as the door moves to reveal a man hanging by his neck. This appears to be a recent occurance, I note, as the body is still swinging.
Slowly the body spins, bringing the mans face toward us, revealing a pair of black holes where his eyes should have been. Unlike the hanging, this is definately not recent, because the color is not that of a recently exposed eye socket (why do I know that?)The man wears a horrible grimace, and the dark pits that should have been eyes seem to stare at me accusingly.
Suddenly I realize that I'm waking up, but I cant decide if this is a dream...Or a memory.
Slowly the body spins, bringing the mans face toward us, revealing a pair of black holes where his eyes should have been. Unlike the hanging, this is definately not recent, because the color is not that of a recently exposed eye socket (why do I know that?)The man wears a horrible grimace, and the dark pits that should have been eyes seem to stare at me accusingly.
Suddenly I realize that I'm waking up, but I cant decide if this is a dream...Or a memory.
Troubles with my mind are causing me to start new writings, get a few pages into them, then delete them entirely. I find myself frustrated over the lack of perfect wording, or suitable metaphore. Maybe i will just write, and see what comes out. Fuckin free for all.
Recently, I have found myself in deep thought over the poor and homeless in my country. I find that my mind has a very difficult time accepting the situation as hopeless,rather, I see an issue that is dying for new tactics, ideas, and movements. I have been collecting coats as a warm-up for further actions. Once this drive is wrapped up, I will gather those who took part, and conduct a "lessons learned" meeting, so that the next event will benifit from the knowlege gained in this one. If an attept is made at continual, intentional evolution....I dunno, maybe something great could come of it. i am avoiding the recipt of advice from any who have done this before, in an attempt to try an maximize the potential "out of the box' thinking that I tend to be capable of.

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Recently, I have found myself in deep thought over the poor and homeless in my country. I find that my mind has a very difficult time accepting the situation as hopeless,rather, I see an issue that is dying for new tactics, ideas, and movements. I have been collecting coats as a warm-up for further actions. Once this drive is wrapped up, I will gather those who took part, and conduct a "lessons learned" meeting, so that the next event will benifit from the knowlege gained in this one. If an attept is made at continual, intentional evolution....I dunno, maybe something great could come of it. i am avoiding the recipt of advice from any who have done this before, in an attempt to try an maximize the potential "out of the box' thinking that I tend to be capable of.
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