This page will be a running record of what goes on in my head. Most of it will be gibberish with no value whatsoever, and the rest will be garbage with no value whatsoever. Add to Technorati Favorites

Monday, December 15, 2008

The dream

Hearing a strange noise, I turn and walk down a hallway, followed by others I cannot identify. Coming to a door that rests slightly ajar, I push the door open slowly. In shock I stand stock still as the door moves to reveal a man hanging by his neck. This appears to be a recent occurance, I note, as the body is still swinging.
Slowly the body spins, bringing the mans face toward us, revealing a pair of black holes where his eyes should have been. Unlike the hanging, this is definately not recent, because the color is not that of a recently exposed eye socket (why do I know that?)The man wears a horrible grimace, and the dark pits that should have been eyes seem to stare at me accusingly.
Suddenly I realize that I'm waking up, but I cant decide if this is a dream...Or a memory.

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