In my last blog, I spoke of how both major political parties were actively engaging in betraying their own position in ways that threaten the liberty and freedom of average Americans. I then went on to illustrate how the Republican party was inconsistent in it's stances, and would now like to move on to the democrat party.
Let us first look at immigration policy. As the "Party of the working man," the democrats should logically take the position that helps the blue-collar workers in this country. Instead what we see are the power players standing side by side with their Republican brethren, albeit for different reasons.
Think about this for a moment. By making sure our borders remain wide open, we allow enormous quantities of people to flood our job market with cheap, often unskilled labor. This helps to fill all those jobs that "Americans wont do" such as farm worker and house cleaning right? WRONG!! People who cross our borders illegally are poor and some are quite desperate, but not necessarily stupid. These people are taking jobs that keep America running. Jobs like sheet metal installers, mechanics, tile settiers, ironworkers and electrician! Jobs that traditionally occupy a significant portion of our middle class are rapidly becoming minimum wage jobs because the Dems work to keep the steady stream of future potential voters pouring in! Imagine, at nearly 10% unemployment what those thousands of jobs could do if the Democrats weren't selling us out!
The next idea I would like to touch on, is tolerance. While we have been battered over the heads for most of my life time with speech about tolerance and peace, the Democrats have been altering the way these words are defined. By describing an idea that stands in opposition to their own as hate speech , the Dems have found a way to silence people. Any idea that they deem inappropriate is called "intolerant" or "closed minded" while they shut down discussion in college campuses and other places all over the country.
While indeed bigoted and racist statements are difficult to hear, the ability to say those things is part of the foundation of our country. People have the freedom to say what they please (with certain limitations) regardless of how offensive or distasteful. The party that has been basking in that freedom for decades by burning the American flag is now working to shut it down by invoking Orwellian thought police whenever a valid political argument arises that they cannot otherwise counter!!! We already have hate crime legislation, and I predict hate speech legislation will come soon.
Lastly, I would like to bring up entitlements programs. By this term, I mean social security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare and the current health care debate. These programs are unarguably strongholds for the Democratic party from which they draw a tremendous amount of voters, but here is the rub. While I am not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, I cannot see the difference between these programs and the illegal pyramid scheme! While the system can function quite well when the people at the top are few, and the bottom are many, everything starts to crumble when the system approaches even, and it completely falls apart when it becomes top-heavy. Now this isn't complicated mathematics that only a brilliant mind can see, but simple common sense that the Democrats are arguing against when they fight to bring more people into the system at the higher level. Why are they trying to expand these programs if they are destined to fall apart you ask? My response is simple. Power. They are seeking to create an entire class of people who are completely reliant on the government and would therefore only vote for politicians who promised to keep the paychecks coming. By expanding these programs and creating more government dependants, the Democrats are purchasing a higher level political power with our freedom as the payment.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
I have long been making the case that out two party system is deeply flawed and in need of a third party, which would better represent the middle of the road Americans. One reason for this belief is the distance between the major parties, and their commonly claimed principles. I believe that I can make the case that through either of the big two, we as Americans find our liberty encroached upon.
Let me begin by "eating my own" and pointing out the issues with my former party. While the Republicans run on a platform of fiscal responsibility, small government and strong national defence, I believe they have strayed very far from these principles in ways that burden the average citizen.
When speaking of fiscal responsibility, we are generally talking about balancing our national checkbook. When a family, small business or even a large business sits down to make financial decisions they must consider how much money they have, and try to spend less in order to remain positive, or profitable in the business analogy. Seems fairly straight foreword right? Well, as many Americans know, another way to do get by is to borrow more, or use credit to purchase things that they cannot currently afford. The problem with this is two-fold. First off, that money must be paid back, which then leaves even less money with which to pay bills. Second, interest charges added on to the money borrowed increases the price of every item purchased. Now anyone with a little sense understands that this is a dangerous trap to fall into, and many Americans have found themselves very deep in this hole.
Republicans in the last administration didn't fall into this trap, they drove in with both headlights on and floored the gas pedal! Our national debt skyrocketed under Bush, and we were borrowing just to pay the interest on a sum of money that you and I will pass to our grand kids. In this way, the Repubs have bound us to generations of servitude to our creditors, primarily China. Hardly responsible.
Smaller less intrusive government has long been a mantra of the Republican party, and I submit to you that both parts of this phrase are flat out lies. Lets start with the less intrusive part. The Repubs have been fighting to prevent gay marriage for as long as this has been an issue. Think about that. Two adult individuals want to enter into a contract in which they share most or all of their personal property and responsibilities. How is this less intrusive exactly? Or what about the "war on drugs"? Why can a man drink himself to death under full protection of the law, while the same man cannot pick a plant from the ground and smoke it?
These are two examples of how the Republican party fights to keep government involved in the lives of private citizens, where there is no justifiable cause.
The argument for smaller government has been proven as just rhetoric over the last eight years as the govt has grown more under Bush than it did under any of the prior three presidents, and the office of homeland security shows no signs of slowing it's growth.
And finally, National security. We have under our command, the finest fighting force mankind has ever witnessed. The men and women of our armed forces are more highly trained, better educated and (in my humble opinion) of a higher caliber than that of anything the world has ever known. So what do we do with this massive tool in times of war? We send our nations defenders into dangerous places without proper equipment, in too small of number and with restrictions on their behavior that the enemy makes no pretense of respecting or imitating. We send these people to fight with one arm tied behind their backs and claim to support them! it is a shame and a disgrace to the Republican party that congress can even function without every advantage being first given to Americas finest! For this I am embarrassed.
Additionally, there was a man once, many years ago by the name of sun tzu who wrote a book called "The Art of War". This book and many like it have written about being outflanked and why any body at war should always guard its rear. This is basic warfare, and the Republicans have been ignoring this simple concept by leaving out borders open for the sake of importing cheap labor.
In these two examples, the Republicans have robbed us of the ONE basic premise of the Federal Government, protection of our borders and our interests, by first fighting a war without fully engaging, winning and leaving and secondly by ignoring the borders, allowing millions of unknown persons to cross without any authorisation in order to take jobs that could be done by the millions of Americans who are currently unemployed, or maybe worse.
Let me begin by "eating my own" and pointing out the issues with my former party. While the Republicans run on a platform of fiscal responsibility, small government and strong national defence, I believe they have strayed very far from these principles in ways that burden the average citizen.
When speaking of fiscal responsibility, we are generally talking about balancing our national checkbook. When a family, small business or even a large business sits down to make financial decisions they must consider how much money they have, and try to spend less in order to remain positive, or profitable in the business analogy. Seems fairly straight foreword right? Well, as many Americans know, another way to do get by is to borrow more, or use credit to purchase things that they cannot currently afford. The problem with this is two-fold. First off, that money must be paid back, which then leaves even less money with which to pay bills. Second, interest charges added on to the money borrowed increases the price of every item purchased. Now anyone with a little sense understands that this is a dangerous trap to fall into, and many Americans have found themselves very deep in this hole.
Republicans in the last administration didn't fall into this trap, they drove in with both headlights on and floored the gas pedal! Our national debt skyrocketed under Bush, and we were borrowing just to pay the interest on a sum of money that you and I will pass to our grand kids. In this way, the Repubs have bound us to generations of servitude to our creditors, primarily China. Hardly responsible.
Smaller less intrusive government has long been a mantra of the Republican party, and I submit to you that both parts of this phrase are flat out lies. Lets start with the less intrusive part. The Repubs have been fighting to prevent gay marriage for as long as this has been an issue. Think about that. Two adult individuals want to enter into a contract in which they share most or all of their personal property and responsibilities. How is this less intrusive exactly? Or what about the "war on drugs"? Why can a man drink himself to death under full protection of the law, while the same man cannot pick a plant from the ground and smoke it?
These are two examples of how the Republican party fights to keep government involved in the lives of private citizens, where there is no justifiable cause.
The argument for smaller government has been proven as just rhetoric over the last eight years as the govt has grown more under Bush than it did under any of the prior three presidents, and the office of homeland security shows no signs of slowing it's growth.
And finally, National security. We have under our command, the finest fighting force mankind has ever witnessed. The men and women of our armed forces are more highly trained, better educated and (in my humble opinion) of a higher caliber than that of anything the world has ever known. So what do we do with this massive tool in times of war? We send our nations defenders into dangerous places without proper equipment, in too small of number and with restrictions on their behavior that the enemy makes no pretense of respecting or imitating. We send these people to fight with one arm tied behind their backs and claim to support them! it is a shame and a disgrace to the Republican party that congress can even function without every advantage being first given to Americas finest! For this I am embarrassed.
Additionally, there was a man once, many years ago by the name of sun tzu who wrote a book called "The Art of War". This book and many like it have written about being outflanked and why any body at war should always guard its rear. This is basic warfare, and the Republicans have been ignoring this simple concept by leaving out borders open for the sake of importing cheap labor.
In these two examples, the Republicans have robbed us of the ONE basic premise of the Federal Government, protection of our borders and our interests, by first fighting a war without fully engaging, winning and leaving and secondly by ignoring the borders, allowing millions of unknown persons to cross without any authorisation in order to take jobs that could be done by the millions of Americans who are currently unemployed, or maybe worse.
federal government,
third party
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Fake hate crime by the Left!!!
Yesterday, members of the Democratic party in Denver showed up to work to find all of their windows busted and pictures of the president smashed. Much of the day was spent talking about the right-wing extremists who must have committed such an act, and how they should be tried when caught. The phrase "Hate crime" was ringing in the air like church bells on Sunday Morning.
When the man was apprehended, it was discovered that he had a history of working for the Democratic party in various ways. Maurice "The Hammer" Schwenkler does not appear in the Colorado voter database, but he is recorded as having received $500 from a leftist political committee known as "Colorado Citizens Coalition".
Suddenly, the church bells have stopped ringing, and the locals are no longer quite so interested in how this man is prosecuted. I bet he gets a simple vandalism charge.
When the man was apprehended, it was discovered that he had a history of working for the Democratic party in various ways. Maurice "The Hammer" Schwenkler does not appear in the Colorado voter database, but he is recorded as having received $500 from a leftist political committee known as "Colorado Citizens Coalition".
Suddenly, the church bells have stopped ringing, and the locals are no longer quite so interested in how this man is prosecuted. I bet he gets a simple vandalism charge.
Monday, August 24, 2009
I often feel compelled to cringe a little whenever I hear someone proclaim proudly that they are a moderate. The look of moral superiority shines in their eyes while their chest swells ever so slightly as if they were stating some bold position that none but the truest of patriots would dare to utter in the public arena. I sometimes feel bad for them before I dismiss them altogether.
"But why would you dismiss someone says they are a moderate?" you may ask. "shouldn't people be less partisan?" you may wonder. To you I say shut up. Shut up and think before you waste another moment of you're life repeating that senseless gibberish. Can you be moderately concerned for your own well being, or that of your loved ones? Can you be a moderate on issues concerning your life? I say no. Not just no, but Hell no! You are passionate in the pursuit of what you deem right for yourself, as you should be, and so should you be for the positions you take in the political realm!
I can respect the person with whom I disagree, no matter how passionately, but I cannot feel the same towards one who doesn't have the courage or the honesty to proclaim their positions. Stand up, take your position and defend it as long as you feel it is right! Foam at the mouth with passion and spit venom in defence of what you believe is the truth!
I'm not saying to follow blindly in the path of your chosen party, and I'm not claiming that everyone should opine on every subject. But please, stand and fight for what you believe, either with me when we agree or against me when we don't, because this is America and our ability to have passionate discourse, not moderation, is truly the lifeblood of our system!
"But why would you dismiss someone says they are a moderate?" you may ask. "shouldn't people be less partisan?" you may wonder. To you I say shut up. Shut up and think before you waste another moment of you're life repeating that senseless gibberish. Can you be moderately concerned for your own well being, or that of your loved ones? Can you be a moderate on issues concerning your life? I say no. Not just no, but Hell no! You are passionate in the pursuit of what you deem right for yourself, as you should be, and so should you be for the positions you take in the political realm!
I can respect the person with whom I disagree, no matter how passionately, but I cannot feel the same towards one who doesn't have the courage or the honesty to proclaim their positions. Stand up, take your position and defend it as long as you feel it is right! Foam at the mouth with passion and spit venom in defence of what you believe is the truth!
I'm not saying to follow blindly in the path of your chosen party, and I'm not claiming that everyone should opine on every subject. But please, stand and fight for what you believe, either with me when we agree or against me when we don't, because this is America and our ability to have passionate discourse, not moderation, is truly the lifeblood of our system!
non partisan,
Friday, August 21, 2009
Obamas visit to Colorado PartIII
In my last couple pages, I talked about some of the issues that I noticed on both sides of the protest/rally during President Obama's visit to Grand Junction Co. I would now like to run through a couple issues that I see on BOTH sides, that I think need to be addressed.
The peaceful transfer of power is one part of our political process that truly separates our nation from so many others. On a set date, we go from having one President to having a new one, and often that new man will share very few common ideas or beliefs with his predecessor. This is a concept that I don't see many people considering when they support legislation that has a broad range of powers. I listened to many Republicans argue for the necessity of the patriot act during the Bush administration, only to cry "Big Brother" now that a Democrat is sitting in the White house. I cannot help but wonder how many of the supporters of this (H.B.3200) current health care bill will think it was such a good idea the next time Republicans take power.
For my second point, I would like to discuss political division. Anyone who knows me has probably heard me talk about how I think the two parties are no more than "a two headed snake", to use a term I heard somewhere. We as Americans often argue and bicker over party lines when, in fact, they are both actively campaigning to rob you of your liberty. Sound crazy? Then tell me why the party that constantly chatters about "small, non-invasive government" fights like hell to keep two consenting adults from getting married due to their gender! Or tell me why the party that has argued against the government telling women what to do with their bodies, is now trying to dictate EVERY ONES health care choices! We have been duped into believing that this oligarchic two party system has a good side and a bad side when they are both villains in every equation I can think of.
Lastly, I would like to bring up, once again, education. The average American can rattle off winners in their favorite reality show, or statistics about "their team" in a given sport, whereas I find few that can speak intelligently about American history or our political system. In other words, we watch mindlessly as people entertain us with no practical impact on our lives, while politicians are making decisions about our money, safety, health and children without so much as a glance from the majority of us. We need to wake up and pay attention! It was once illegal to educate slaves because it was believed that education bred the desire for freedom. I believe we have collectively lost our fierce attachment for freedom as our senses have been dulled by the television. Our understanding of the system, how it works and how it came to be has grown so vague that we are allowing those in power to slowly drain our liberties away while we watch, unknowingly.
I believe that it is time to turn off the TV, find our common ground as Americans and Fight! Fight to have our politicians represent the people, not the special interests! Fight against the idea that we can spend our way out of debt! Fight against the leaders of the two political parties who believe we as Americans must sit by silently as they run roughshod over our Constitution! And fight to remain the greatest nation this planet has ever known! Together we stand, divided we fall.
The peaceful transfer of power is one part of our political process that truly separates our nation from so many others. On a set date, we go from having one President to having a new one, and often that new man will share very few common ideas or beliefs with his predecessor. This is a concept that I don't see many people considering when they support legislation that has a broad range of powers. I listened to many Republicans argue for the necessity of the patriot act during the Bush administration, only to cry "Big Brother" now that a Democrat is sitting in the White house. I cannot help but wonder how many of the supporters of this (H.B.3200) current health care bill will think it was such a good idea the next time Republicans take power.
For my second point, I would like to discuss political division. Anyone who knows me has probably heard me talk about how I think the two parties are no more than "a two headed snake", to use a term I heard somewhere. We as Americans often argue and bicker over party lines when, in fact, they are both actively campaigning to rob you of your liberty. Sound crazy? Then tell me why the party that constantly chatters about "small, non-invasive government" fights like hell to keep two consenting adults from getting married due to their gender! Or tell me why the party that has argued against the government telling women what to do with their bodies, is now trying to dictate EVERY ONES health care choices! We have been duped into believing that this oligarchic two party system has a good side and a bad side when they are both villains in every equation I can think of.
Lastly, I would like to bring up, once again, education. The average American can rattle off winners in their favorite reality show, or statistics about "their team" in a given sport, whereas I find few that can speak intelligently about American history or our political system. In other words, we watch mindlessly as people entertain us with no practical impact on our lives, while politicians are making decisions about our money, safety, health and children without so much as a glance from the majority of us. We need to wake up and pay attention! It was once illegal to educate slaves because it was believed that education bred the desire for freedom. I believe we have collectively lost our fierce attachment for freedom as our senses have been dulled by the television. Our understanding of the system, how it works and how it came to be has grown so vague that we are allowing those in power to slowly drain our liberties away while we watch, unknowingly.
I believe that it is time to turn off the TV, find our common ground as Americans and Fight! Fight to have our politicians represent the people, not the special interests! Fight against the idea that we can spend our way out of debt! Fight against the leaders of the two political parties who believe we as Americans must sit by silently as they run roughshod over our Constitution! And fight to remain the greatest nation this planet has ever known! Together we stand, divided we fall.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Obamas visit to Colorado PartII
This is the second part, of a 3 page piece about my experience during the protest outside President Obama's health care town hall in Grand Junction, CO. In the last piece, I wrote about what I found on the "pro-reform" side. Now I would like to cover a few issues I saw on my own side. One thing that became very evident to me very quickly, was the absolute lack of organization. Now I know there is some sort of stigma about conservatives organizing before a protest, ending in people being referred to as "astro-turf", but I don't care what people on the other side say. I saw buses, a stage, a professional sound system, dozens of pre-printed signs and several professional demonstrators leading all the festivities on the other side. These people were coordinated and well versed in setting up these types of events, and in terms of cohesion and sheer volume, they dominated. The next issue I found on our end was any common direction. People were protesting the health care bill, the stimulus package, Obama's birth-certificate, tobacco taxes and religion. While the message came across very clearly that we were very upset, the subject of said dissatisfaction seemed to come across a bit muddled. Lastly,I want to mention the passion of the people I met last Saturday. Indeed a wonderful thing when kept reigned in to some degree, this can serve to undermine any position if it gets out of hand. On more than one occasion, I witnessed individual from the "pro" side come over to engage in conversation. When this happened, instead of viewing it as an opportunity to present a clear, intelligent position to someone who seemed willing to participate in debate, people began shouting insults and demands that the person "go back to their own side". It is my belief after this experience, that the conservatives of this nation need to ignore all the "grassroots" conversations and gather together in order to organize and formulate a clear, concise message which the majority can stand behind. Simultaneously, people on both sides of this argument need to be educated in our constitution, some basic American history, simple economic ideas and, of course, this bill which threatens to unravel the intricately woven fabric of our great nation.
astro turf,
Grand Junction,
grass roots,
Obamas visit to Colorado
This weekend, I made the 3-4 hour drive to protest outside of President Obamas healthcare townhall, and I thought I would share some of my observations. In the interest of full honesty, I want it understood ahead of time that I am biased against this plan, and that I spoke to roughly 10-12 people, so this may not be representative.
I approached everyone I met from the "pro-reform" side with the same three questions, in the same order.
1- Have you read the bill? The answer to this was uniformly (with one exception which I will cover later) no. The only person I met who said yes was an obvious professional demonstrator, who could not speak intelligently aboput any portion of the bill, and would not answer ANY question in a straight foreward manner.
2- How will we pay for it? Mostly I heard "I dont Know" with occasional "Tax the rich" thrown into the mix. When confronted with the bills statement that the "surecharge" on the rich and the 8% payroll tax would only account for 1/2 of the amount stated, I recieved a look that strongly resembled a deer in headlights.
3- social security, Medicare and Medicaid are broke, the DMV is a pretty widely disliked office due to long lines and gross mismanagement, and by the Presidents own statements, the post office is getting whooped by private industry. What makes you think THIS program would be better when it will be run by the same people who have screwed up all of the afforementioned? From this question, most people chose simply to walk away.
I approached everyone I met from the "pro-reform" side with the same three questions, in the same order.
1- Have you read the bill? The answer to this was uniformly (with one exception which I will cover later) no. The only person I met who said yes was an obvious professional demonstrator, who could not speak intelligently aboput any portion of the bill, and would not answer ANY question in a straight foreward manner.
2- How will we pay for it? Mostly I heard "I dont Know" with occasional "Tax the rich" thrown into the mix. When confronted with the bills statement that the "surecharge" on the rich and the 8% payroll tax would only account for 1/2 of the amount stated, I recieved a look that strongly resembled a deer in headlights.
3- social security, Medicare and Medicaid are broke, the DMV is a pretty widely disliked office due to long lines and gross mismanagement, and by the Presidents own statements, the post office is getting whooped by private industry. What makes you think THIS program would be better when it will be run by the same people who have screwed up all of the afforementioned? From this question, most people chose simply to walk away.
Grand Junction,
tea party
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