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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Some simple gun rules

OK, so I'm no gun expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I feel the need to post a few simple, unoriginal rules for all of you first time gun buyers to keep in mind as you are looking for a new firearm. These rules are not of my creation, and they are really simplistic. They will also keep you from being beaten to a pulp by a fellow gun lover.

1- Do not cover anything with the barrel of a gun that you are not willing to destroy. That includes your fellow customers, the sales clerk and if that thing even comes close to my child's direction, you and I are gonna have a MAJOR problem. Comprende, sport?

2- ALL guns are ALWAYS loaded. While this is not technically true, you had better get used to the mindset. By treating the weapon as if it's loaded, we can avoid allot of the problems with rule number 1 while in the store, and you wont have to have your head bashed in with the butt of the aforementioned firearm.

3- Now this one is important, so pay attention, numb nuts. Keep your finger off the trigger until you have acquired your target and are ready to fire. I don't care if it just came off the shelf of the store, and I don't care if you know it is unloaded. Most accidents happen because the idiot who pulled the trigger thought the gun was unloaded. You want to dry fire the gun? No problemo, just do it in a safe and unpopulated direction, and no one has to pistol whip you for your stupidty, ok fucktard?

Now, I would like to apologise to every responsible, knowlegeable gun owner for the fact that I simply walked away from this idiot instead of confronting the situation and maybe educating him a little on proper firearm handling, but, as I mentioned earlier, I am no expert and I dont even play one on tv.

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