This page will be a running record of what goes on in my head. Most of it will be gibberish with no value whatsoever, and the rest will be garbage with no value whatsoever. Add to Technorati Favorites

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Dear Congresswoman

Congresswoman DeGette,
I recently read a press release from your office touting the Passing of the Mathew Shepard Hate Crime Act. I would like to take a moment to express my absolute puzzlement as to how you, or any other member of congress can so boldly and proudly claim victory in the passage of a bill that you chose to sneak in between pages of another, completely un-related bill.

To make matters worse, congresswoman, you chose to hide this abomination inside a military appropriations bill! This makes the disdain you feel towards our men and women in uniform painfully obvious. The willingness you have shown to use our military personnel as political human shields underscores your level of corruption and incompetence in the office you so undeservedly hold. I can tolerate many things in quiet frustration, congresswoman, but the manipulation of our military to move your political agenda forward is more than I can bear. I promise to actively work against your re-election during your next campaign, and will tout this bill as evidence of the type of deceit that you are capable of.

Ryan Tuleja
Arvada, CO

Thursday, October 15, 2009

hate crime legislation hidden in the military budget

Looking through the news, I have been seeing a trend in Washington that I find both appalling, and terrifying. The dishonesty and inconsideration for the will of the American people are becoming increasingly evident by the day.

In a recent move, congressional Democrats have pulled an incredibly disgraceful move, by attaching hate crime legislation to the 2010 military appropriations bill. What does that mean, you ask? Well, by putting this legislation INSIDE the militaries' budget (see division E, aka the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act), they have made it impossible for any representative to vote against the bill without being accused of standing against the better interests of Americas finest. This is political sleaze at it's most ugly and depraved, and I simply cannot see how we the people can stand to have these kinds of tactics used by either side ever again! The very concept of rider bills is so despicable that several states (including my own) have laws against such dishonest and underhanded tactics.

Things have to change. We, the people of the United States of America, can not sit idly by and watch as these bureaucrats, liars and thieves use our military men and woman as political human shields to achieve their ideological goals. Please join us here and help to make the changes that we can actually believe in.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The DOW climbs to 10,000

Today the DOW climbed over 10,000 for the first time in over a year, and Americans are understandably pretty excited about it. Reporters are interviewing experts who proclaim that the recession is over, and that we can credit it all to the stimulus bill that President Barak Obama so wisely signed into law at the beginning of his term in office, nine months ago.
On the surface, this seems like great news, and we should all be out in the streets celebrating such wonderful news. Ticker tape parades should be littering the streets and we should all find ourselves on shopping sprees that would make Paris Hilton look like a pauper...But we aren't.
We aren't, because something doesn't add up, and we the American people know it. We remember that the government printed money to the tune of a trillion dollars, a number so large that we choose to spell it, rather than use digits. A trillion dollars that largely went to the very same companies who's stock prices have been rising since. Companies that needed the money due to their own incompetence. Companies that, according to the national unemployment rate 9.8% still aren't hiring. Companies that, according to our government, saw lower that expected sales this quarter for something like the millionth quarter straight.
So how do companies that are not selling their products and show no sign of growth have stock prices climbing? You guessed it! With the stimulus money!! So before you run out and start buying stock again, think it through, because as in almost everything else these days, things arent quite what they appear.
