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Friday, August 28, 2009


I have long been making the case that out two party system is deeply flawed and in need of a third party, which would better represent the middle of the road Americans. One reason for this belief is the distance between the major parties, and their commonly claimed principles. I believe that I can make the case that through either of the big two, we as Americans find our liberty encroached upon.

Let me begin by "eating my own" and pointing out the issues with my former party. While the Republicans run on a platform of fiscal responsibility, small government and strong national defence, I believe they have strayed very far from these principles in ways that burden the average citizen.

When speaking of fiscal responsibility, we are generally talking about balancing our national checkbook. When a family, small business or even a large business sits down to make financial decisions they must consider how much money they have, and try to spend less in order to remain positive, or profitable in the business analogy. Seems fairly straight foreword right? Well, as many Americans know, another way to do get by is to borrow more, or use credit to purchase things that they cannot currently afford. The problem with this is two-fold. First off, that money must be paid back, which then leaves even less money with which to pay bills. Second, interest charges added on to the money borrowed increases the price of every item purchased. Now anyone with a little sense understands that this is a dangerous trap to fall into, and many Americans have found themselves very deep in this hole.

Republicans in the last administration didn't fall into this trap, they drove in with both headlights on and floored the gas pedal! Our national debt skyrocketed under Bush, and we were borrowing just to pay the interest on a sum of money that you and I will pass to our grand kids. In this way, the Repubs have bound us to generations of servitude to our creditors, primarily China. Hardly responsible.

Smaller less intrusive government has long been a mantra of the Republican party, and I submit to you that both parts of this phrase are flat out lies. Lets start with the less intrusive part. The Repubs have been fighting to prevent gay marriage for as long as this has been an issue. Think about that. Two adult individuals want to enter into a contract in which they share most or all of their personal property and responsibilities. How is this less intrusive exactly? Or what about the "war on drugs"? Why can a man drink himself to death under full protection of the law, while the same man cannot pick a plant from the ground and smoke it?

These are two examples of how the Republican party fights to keep government involved in the lives of private citizens, where there is no justifiable cause.

The argument for smaller government has been proven as just rhetoric over the last eight years as the govt has grown more under Bush than it did under any of the prior three presidents, and the office of homeland security shows no signs of slowing it's growth.

And finally, National security. We have under our command, the finest fighting force mankind has ever witnessed. The men and women of our armed forces are more highly trained, better educated and (in my humble opinion) of a higher caliber than that of anything the world has ever known. So what do we do with this massive tool in times of war? We send our nations defenders into dangerous places without proper equipment, in too small of number and with restrictions on their behavior that the enemy makes no pretense of respecting or imitating. We send these people to fight with one arm tied behind their backs and claim to support them! it is a shame and a disgrace to the Republican party that congress can even function without every advantage being first given to Americas finest! For this I am embarrassed.

Additionally, there was a man once, many years ago by the name of sun tzu who wrote a book called "The Art of War". This book and many like it have written about being outflanked and why any body at war should always guard its rear. This is basic warfare, and the Republicans have been ignoring this simple concept by leaving out borders open for the sake of importing cheap labor.

In these two examples, the Republicans have robbed us of the ONE basic premise of the Federal Government, protection of our borders and our interests, by first fighting a war without fully engaging, winning and leaving and secondly by ignoring the borders, allowing millions of unknown persons to cross without any authorisation in order to take jobs that could be done by the millions of Americans who are currently unemployed, or maybe worse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there. Count me in on the 3rd party idea. I love it! Great Blog
