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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On Rules for Radicals..

After reading about half of this book in two days and covering it with highlighters and notes, I feel compelled to compliment the author, Saul Alinsky on his many shrewd observations and thorough understanding on the nature of people. Make no mistake, I do not agree with the mans politics, but his tactics are unarguably Machiavellian.

An idea that I find particularly interesting is this: "Our cause had to be all shining justice, allied with the angels; theirs had to be all evil, tied to the devil; in no war has the enemy or the cause ever been gray."

I am made to think of the way anyone who denies global warming is called a Flat Earther, one of the modern versions of heretic, an intellectual death-sentence in today's politically correct thought.

"If you start with nothing, demand 100 percent, then compromise for 30 percent,you're 30 percent ahead."
Fundamentally, this is a fairly simple idea, and I think most people are somewhat familiar with it, conceptually at least. It is when this idea is taken to a grand scale, and applied repeatedly that this becomes a powerful tool in moving any agenda foreword.

Lets look at the current health care debate as an example. Currently, The argument is between two sides who basically consist of two positions. The first is; the system is fundamentally sound and needs only minor modifications; the second calls for drastic, if not complete overhaul. At the time of this writing, bills that have been produced in congress are very unpopular, and will probably be rejected outright. Those who stand in opposition to these bills, of which I may be counted, should not consider this a victory though, because now, the minds of the American public have a very extreme reference upon which to measure all future plans. In comparison, all future proposals will appear moderate and the word compromise will be proclaimed by people with a much longer field of vision. With this tactic,as in football, the opposing team can win by moving foreward only by inches.

I will continue to write on the this book, as I believe it should be required reading for anyone who has an interest in how and why this administration is moving in the way it is.


brianwaka said...

Let me point out that these tactics are practiced by both sides. One need look no further than the "Hitler-ification" of both Bush and Obama in the last few years to see the underpinnings of radicalism reflected in the left and the right.

My gripe is with radicalism itself - it is extremity of belief, with no regard for the nuances of the truth. Thoughtful folk, who think about issues and weigh both sides are seen as weak by the radical. I think it's the other way around. Radicals whether conservative or liberal tends towards dogma and extremism, which are basically intellectual cop outs. If you don't want to think too hard, then don't bother to think about and opposing view and just demonize the enemy.

RyanT said...

Good comment, but I disagree with the idea that we are talking about two seperate sides. I firmly believe The two parties are just seperate divisions of the same entity pushing toward the same goals from different angles. That is why these ideas are so commonly used, keeps folks from thinking.

Keep in mind though, that the "radicals" of a different age became our founding fathers! True, passionate, honest zeal can and should be, at least, respected. It is when that zeal is hidden by motivations and agendas that are not made public that I worry..

brianwaka said...

Good point. In the face of tyranny, being a "radical" might be as simple as demanding your basic human rights (e.g., free speech). For instance, many in China and Tibet are considered radicals for doing what we're doing now -- having an online conversation critical of our government.

Much of today's radicalism in American, I fear, is driven more by ignorance than a desire for freedom, equality or fairness. I see much of our country slowly being split along cultural lines vs. intellectual ones. Too many people are doing the shouting without doing the thinking, and I'm pointing at both sides. Passion and zeal are great things, if they are grounded in a true belief forged by contemplation. But we are too partisan, too reactionary and too cynical from the two parties pushing us apart and demonizing each other to think straight.

RyanT said...

Well, as always, I think you bring up some thoughtful ideas. Ideas that I think, if you continue to follow, you will have to come to much the same conclusion that I have about our two parties being about as seperate as the two sides of a coin. yes, they may face different directions and have very different appearances, but they are still one and the same. I feel that it is in the interest of both party's to keep the population polarized and fighting amongst ourselves, in order to keep us from looking too deply into what THEY are doing!

I think you should read this book. It is fodder for many conversations, if nothing else.

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